
i'm going to be busy for the next couple of days, so i figured i'd post some of my fave interior pictures that i like staring at.
well this is just a new one i saw and liked the couch.. haha.
for anyone who watches Top Design definitely check out Eddie Ross's blog! according to the bravo poll tonight he's seriously missunderstood. so go understand him, he's amazing! i need to remember to take pictures of my pumpkin (they're not nearly as chic as his simple ones!) aaand all of the halloween fun i'll be having. haha! DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!! i did today and there were so many people!

from desire to inspire, apartment therapy, decor8 and shi(f)t.


Julie said…
I voted last Saturday and it was amazing how many people are all coming out to vote. Our polling places are open 12 hours a day now! iT'S A GOOD THING...i'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS IN ALL MY 52 YEARS! (sorry...may caps got locked)!!! Nice home pics...I see so much similarity in all of these photos...does your house have similar decor??? If you look...they pretty much all have like colage art on walls, a clean palette, and mauch black, white and gray! I love the one room with the 3 owls. I am looking to add more owl planters to my one that I already have.
Julie said…
P.S. I just read my comment above and I have had a glass of wine and got sloppy with my typing! Sorry I didn't notice before I hit the key to publish! LOL.
carolie said…
hahah our house definitely doesn't have this kind of decor but that's what we're working towards. a couple rooms do, but not the whole house. it's just what i like except i like a little more punches of color than a few of these.

i'd never seen anything like it either. it was inspiring especially to someone who used to take voting for granted!