
sunday 015, originally uploaded by caroliebee.

my desk is so cluttered! it makes me not want to do anything because i'd have to put everything away first. it's filled with a ton of different projects! halloween costume parts, recipes and things for the cupcakes i'm making, an empty portfolio waiting to be finished, a new smoke detector (daaaaanger! do the smoke detector,) canvases for painting that don't have a home yet, picture frames that need filling, and a bunch of odd things that need to be put where they belong. it was messier last weekend but i couldn't live with it so i thinned it out. now i want to de clutter my whole room. i was looking at some photos on apartment therapy and they were so simple and clean. i want that again. i think i've overdecorated and i need to free up my walls. before we redid my room there was stuff covering all of the walls and i don't want that to happen again. it's gonna hurt taking things down cause i love all of them but they'll have a home one day. my brain feels cluttered too so i think it'd help with that. they're doing another cure over at apartment therapy so maybe i'll join in. i just need to sit down and go through everything... but maybe i'll do it tomorrow. haha. hmm maybe this will inspire me to get to work!


Julie said…
Good luck! I am wanting a cleaner, for free space also. I like the qi to flow freeely! I am liking a more modern look the older I get!
Julie said…
Hi! I fell into this one blog tonight and it is so modern and pretty...I immediately thought of you. If you want to check it out:

carolie said…
wow, great find! thanks so much for letting me know about it!