
room 043, originally uploaded by caroliebee.

i honestly hate change. especially because when i make a decision that causes something to change i can never sleep because my brain won't stop working. well, i've decided to make a big change in my life, so of course i can't sleep. it's not even a change really, it's me going back to what i originally was going to do. so it shouldn't even count, but my brain doesn't listen. it has to go over and over what i need to do, it's almost enough to make me change my mind. but lets hope i don't, because (at least right now) i really do think this is whats best and what i really really want.

at least this morning was peaceful. the light was so great in my room and i just knew the weather was going to be gorgeous. a great day to go to the texas renaissance festival. (a must do if you're in houston from oct-nov)


Julie said…
Oh wow...hope you have/had fun!!! I and several friends and daughter went 5 years in a row to our Medieval Festival, in costumes! We had a great time and have so many happy memories!!!