
i made muffins this morning, pear and ginger muffins from the nytimes. i was looking at The Kitchn last night and found a bunch of pear recipes and remembered i had an oldish one. so this morning when i woke up i went straight to work. and even improvised! i didn't have any sour cream so i drained some vanilla yogurt that my roommate had and used that instead. i also crushed up some almonds and put in some almond extract. they turned out delicious even though i just noticed i made two mistakes haha. i used baking soda instead of powder and left the pears chunky instead of dicing them finely. i think it's probably better chunky anyways. haha.
so, i've been baking a lot. this whole year i've been out of school actually. as soon as the new stove was put in i've been in the kitchen. that's what i spend most of my time doing. i think i like it so much because it's like being in the lab. you have to be precise, prepared, and observe everything. my friends have noticed i like baking and they always ask me to make them things. it's no problem it's just i don't have any recipes memorized yet, and we're not usually home when the requests come. so i go home get the recipe and then go shopping. my sister suggested i make a little book of recipes and carry it with me all the time. i actually liked the idea and found a mini moleskine memo book. it's like an expanding folder or wallet, and i can put 3x5 index cards in it.
it's organized by category and alphabetized with in that, cakes/cupcakes/muffins, desserts, bread, vegetarian meals, nonvegetarian meals. i've already run out of dessert cards so i'm gonna have to buy more before i find more recipes i like. right now i've only got the ingredients listed on them since i've got all the recipes at home but i'm debating putting the directions on too. it's just going to take longer than it did to make this so i'm not looking forward to it. so, since i've got so many recipes i figured i'd share them here when i make them. i'll start with a few favorites that i've got pictures of, so i know they're good, and then i'll get to the new ones.


Julie said…
I used to love to bake...but I found I was generally the one who ate it all, too! So...I pretty much gave it up. Sometimes I will make a thing or two. It is so fun and smells wonderful! Good luck with all your fun in the your recipe moleskin file!!!